MUSIC AS A HOLISTIC MODEL OF BEING/ An Onto-Harmonical Contribution to a "Polyphonic" Understanding of Peace 1. Preparatory ontological reflections
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1.1 Inwardness of timing soul as holistic instance
The following comments can be conceived, so to speak, as an ontological “gramar” of musical basic structures. For, without any doubt, music is a kind of language. I should even like to say: Music is the language of mankind in an exceptional and proper sense. Its "specialty" as a non-verbal form of communication can be found in the advantage of not being performed in a special set of "phonemes", which - more or less arbitrarily produced - are characteristic for the singular languages spoken in this world. In contrast to these, music is immediately understandable: European tourists can be charmed and carried away by the dance rhythms of an equitorial African tribe as well as the aborigines of Sumatra - without any preparatory training - are able to enjoy a Bach prelude, and so on. In consideration of such experiences I can formulate the hypothesis: From its deepest meaning music does not signify any obstacle for intercultural encounter; it is much more an excellent possibility for world-wide communication. For the different musical performances, presented by different cultures, grant a direct interchange between smgular members of these cultures. Or said in other words: With regard to that direct interrelationship music can be conceived not only as an inter-national, but even as an ínter-continental medium of communication, - as an universally valid holistic model of being, by virtue of which the ontical conditions of a creative peace can be observed as being realized and also as being realizable.
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